Our Lady of Fatima School’s administration and faculty are committed to teaching and modeling Gospel values to encourage students to live their lives as a reflection of Christ. The philosophy of the school strives to recognize and respect the dignity of each person and to offer a positive, Christ-centered, safe learning environment based on the Social Teachings of the Church. Discipline is considered an element of moral guidance not a form of punishment.
Every teacher and staff member shares the responsibility to model appropriate behavior and to support the structure necessary for learning self-discipline. Students are encouraged to assume responsibility for the actions, develop self-control, and accept responsibility and consequences for inappropriate behavior.
As a matter of safety, students are expected to behave in the following manner:
1. Arrive after 7 a.m. and be dropped off at the front entrance.
2. Report to homeroom.
3. Engage in Accelerated Reading
4. Line up quietly when the bell rings.
1. Walk quietly through the halls.
2. Use proper language.
3. Respect school property and the property of others.
1. Follow the rules of the classroom teacher.
2. Be responsible for submitting completed work on time and making up assignments within a reasonable amount of time.
3. Have a respectful attitude towards teachers and one another.
4. Be honest in all communications.
5. Use computers and school equipment appropriately.
1. Mind their manners.
2. Remain seated until finished eating and asked to line up.
3. Clean up, pick up all papers, scraps of food, etc. and dispose of them properly.
4. Obey rules and supervisors at all times.
1. Follow dismissal procedures.
2. Walk to assigned dismissal locations.
3. Immediately leave the school grounds with their parent/guardian.
4. Immediately return to the building if their designated parent/guardian is not present.
5. Sign in to extended day if they are not picked up by 2:15 p.m.
1. Practice good sportsmanship and respect spectators and participants.
2. Show respect towards coaches, referees, and visiting teams.
3. Maintain an appropriate silence during special performances.
Be aware that any disrespect, destructive act, or inappropriate behavior will be dealt with accordingly. If an individual student does not meet his/her personal responsibility for good conduct, the school may discipline the student.
The severity or repetitive nature of non-compliance of behaviors will determine the appropriate consequences. To remediate unacceptable behavior, the following actions may be taken (not necessarily in this order):
1. Teacher-student conference to develop a plan for remediation
2. Notification to parents
3. Administrative referral
4. School service required
5. Loss of recess
6. Detention
7. Denial of participation in school activities
8. School SAP or E-SAP team
9. School probation
10. Suspension
1. Recognizing and fostering the uniqueness and dignity of each individual
2. Nurturing respect in all relationships involving school and parish community
3. Developing a sense of rights and responsibilities and commitment to the entire school and parish community.
To this end the administration, faculty, and staff have incorporated component of both the Marvin Marshall Teaching Model and the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. Links to more information about these programs are available on Our Lady of Fatima’s school website.
Visit individual teacher's webpages for specific details regarding homework procedures at each grade level.
A reasonable amount of homework, according to grade level, is of great educational value and so is assigned every day. Assignments are not always written. Study and memory work are frequently assigned. Homework is assigned on a regular basis to:
All classroom work and homework must be completed before a student is permitted to attend field trips, school assemblies, and all extracurricular activities or functions.
Homework will not be given before family vacations. However, the student will receive the assignments upon returning and be given sufficient time to complete it based on the teachers’ discretion.
In case of a student's absence, requests for homework should be made by calling the school office before 9:00 a.m. and may be picked up after 2:15 p.m.
School Delay and Cancellations
If inclement weather or some other emergency requires that the school be delayed or closed, this information will be announced on KDKA, WTAE, and/or WPXI. Because of the number of public districts represented in our school, it is important that you listen for an announcement that identifies Hopewell Area School. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL OR RECTORY FOR THIS INFORMATION.
In the event of a two-hour delay specifically naming Hopewell Area School, all children should report to school at 10:00 a.m. On these days, half day kindergarten and half-day four year old preschool students are invited to stay for a full day, but three-year-old preschool will be cancelled.
It is often difficult to decide if your child should stay home from school when complaining of illness. An objective sign is an elevated temperature. It is recommended that a child be kept home from school until the temperature has remained normal (below 100°) for 24 hours.
If a child has a temperature of 100° or more, skin rash, diarrhea/vomiting, strep throat, or evidence of lice, the child will be sent home. Parents are asked to use discretion in sending their children to school if they display any of these symptoms. Please inform the school office if your child becomes sick with a contagious illness. Notes will be sent home with the other children to warn parents of contact and incubation of communicable diseases.